Python Tutorial 1--- Introduction, Installation, Modules & Pip, Writing our first Program

Python Introduction



# Python Programming language was developed by Guido Van Rossum in February 1991.
# It is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.

# Programming helps human to reduce manual efforts and
# work which take hours to complete can be accomplished by computer in Seconds.

# To write any language’s code we need a platform where
# we can write the code and can execute it.
# For this we use IDE’s.

# IDE – IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
# is a software application which provides many comprehensive facilities
# to programmers for software or application development.

# You can use Pycharm and Visual Studio Code as IDE


####### Installation ######

###### First of all download Python :

# Go to this link -
# From the above link download latest version of Python
# After visiting this link simply click on download python button
# Your download will start...

###### Now, Let’s download Pycharm :

# Pycharm – It’s one of the best Integrated Development Environment for Python Language.
# It is developed by the Czech company JetBrains.

# Go to this link -
# After visiting the above link download community version of Pycharm.
# Simply click on community button to download it.
# Your download will start...


#### After that simply install them like any other normal software.

## After Installing both Python & Pycharm:

# Open terminal (Powershell in case of windows) and then type ‘Python’ and press Enter.
# You should see the output like this ...

# Windows PowerShell
# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Try the new cross-platform PowerShell
# PS C:\Users\SASWATA KAYAL> python
# Python 3.8.1 (tags/v3.8.1:1b293b6, Dec 18 2019, 22:39:24) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
# Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
# >>>

# You can exit the interpreter by typing the following command: quit().


########################## Application of Python ###########################

# You can do almost every thing using Python like
# Web Development
# Game Development
# Data Science
# Machine Learning
# and Many more things

For more details Click Here

 Modules & Pip



 # Sometimes we have to use someone else’s code(Module) in our program

# because it saves our lot of time and off-course it is legal and free.

 #### Modules ####

 # Module – Module or library is the file which contain definitions of several functions,

# classes, variables, etc. which are written by someone else for free use.


#### Pip ####

 # Pip – Pip is a package manager in python

# i.e. pip command is used to download any external module in python.

# It is something like which helps us to get something from somewhere

# and automatically save packages at suitable location for futher use.


### We can install any module in our system by pip command :

 # Simply open cmd or Powershell in your system.

# And then type pip install module_name and press enter.


### Example :

# >pip install numpy

 # After that the module will start downloading

# and will install automatically in your computer.

 # After installing any module in python

# you can import it in your program or in your project of Python.


### Example :

## In file write: ##

import numpy


 ########## There are 2 types of modules in Python :

 # Built-in Modules -

# Built-in modules are those modules which are pre-installed in python

# i.e. there is no need to download them before using.

# These modules come with python interpreter itself.


# Example – random module, winreg, etc.

 # To get complete list of built-in modules of python -

link = ""


# External Modules –

# These are those modules which are not pre-installed in python

# i.e. we need to download them before using in our program.


# Example – Flask, Pandas, etc.


##################### That's all about modules in Python. #########################



################################ Extra Content  ###################################


## The following command will install the latest version of a module

#  and its dependencies from the Python Packaging Index:


#=>$ pip install SomePackage


## It’s also possible to specify an exact or minimum version directly on the command line.

#  When using comparator operators such as >, < or some other special character which get

# interpreted by shell, the package name and the version should be enclosed within double quotes:


#=>$ pip install SomePackage==1.0.4    # specific version

#=>$ pip install "SomePackage>=1.0.4"  # minimum version


## Normally, if a suitable module is already installed,

# attempting to install it again will have no effect.

# Upgrading existing modules must be requested explicitly:


#=>$ pip install --upgrade SomePackage

 Python Tutorial 1---

This is the First or a Basic program of Python


Let's get to business and start writing our first python program. Follow the below steps:

  1. Open Pycharm and create a new file in it.
  2. Keep in mind the file name should not match any module name.
  3. After creating a new file, type print("Hello World")
  4. And then run your program.
  5. You will get the output as "Hello World."
So, this is our first python program, and in this program, we just used a print function. In this function, whatever we pass in parenthesis () in a double quote or single quote gets printed (as it is) on the screen.


print("Hello World")


C:\Python38\python.exe C:/Users/Saswata/PycharmProjects/pythontuts/ Hello World Process finished with exit code 0


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